martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022
El caso de Antonio Villas Boas,en 1957
La historia del granjero brasileño,que fue abducido en Minas Gerais,en 1957,Brasil,donde tuvieron relaciones íntimas,un ser humano terrestre normal,y una mujer tipo Nórdico
martes, 25 de mayo de 2021
anomalía en negativo ORWO 35 mm,100 ASA,esta vez en Motril,Granada,Andalucia
lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2020
nuevas fotos extrañas de mi archivo personal,¿posible fenómeno OVNI?.....
En esta foto tomada en el Monasterio del Escorial,en la comunidad de Madrid,en España se puede ver situado en la esquina inferior derecha,una mancha,por llamarla así que yo no se que puede ser,quizá sea un posible efecto de un mal revelado del negativo,este era película diapositiva AGFA,tomado con una zenit 122 soviética,y lente takumar 28 mm,revelado en madrid por FOTOCASION
Como se puede ver en esta otra toma del mismo negativo en diapositiva,tomado también en el Escorial,se aprecian lo que puede ser Orbes,quizá pueda ser reflejos del sol sobre la Lente,cada uno que saque sus propias conclusiones,yo solo expongo aquí las cosas extrañas que me salen en las fotos....
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020
Vídeos sobre recreación encuentro pleyadiana Cristian ,en Base Aérea de Armilla,
Comentarios con mi voz,en el punto exacto de encuentro con la mujer nórdica de las pleyades ,Cristian,en aproximadamente Octubre -Noviembre de 2014,un día a eso de las 15 horas del día ,con luz diurna ,al lado de la base aérea militar de la OTAN,en el municipio de Armilla,que fue el primer contacto personal que yo tuve con estos seres,como les cuento como yo pude comprobar no son espíritus ,son corpóreos de materia,carne y huesos,el ser era una mujer con el pelo rubio dorado largo,ojos azul de prusia ,rasgados y oblicuos,frente y cara ancha,mentón pronunciado,labios finos,y la nariz le salia debajo de las mejillas,con 1,85 cm de altura,piel blanca mate,y cuerpo bien formado,como ya les digo la vi a plena luz de día a eso de las 15-16 horas de la tarde,.....
lunes, 1 de abril de 2019
¿Experiencias de visión remota,Sueños por auto-hipnosis,o salida en Astral?.....
miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018
Mi experiencia de Contacto en Armilla,Granada,con encuentros previa cita OVNI
sábado, 17 de marzo de 2018
My experience with UFO Phenomenon
The building of the neighborhood of San Telmo, near that here he is called El MOPU, where in his place,I had a sighting of a foo-fighter, a UFO,composed of light, when I was 6 years this photo taken with 35 mm camera,and Infrared movie you can observe a ray of light, which may be a reflection but not stop being curious ...
Artistic Recreation of the UFO-Foo-Fighter, seen by me, when I was only 6 years old, in the year 1982, in August, at 18 o'clock in the afternoon, the UFO was of solid light the size of the full Moon, Amber-Orange-White color, with a small tail of Light, and moved erratically over the buildings of the MOPU, in San Telmo, in Jerez de la Frontera,spain...
Another time to see them being 13 years old ,I remember that it was also summer and therewas a UFO Warning,in the RNE ,National Radio of Spain,AT 9 o¨clock at night ,my father takes me out of bed,to go see something because the said that it was a good date to see them ,and we saw them,so if....when we left with the car we went directly to seville,but at the last moment my father turned,and took a secondary road towards ,Estella del Marqués ,there suddenly on a moonless night ,my father turned off the car lights to better see the darkness ,while we were driving and suddenly a luminous green phosphorescence appeared at the edge of the road humonoid in appearance ,because,I had a kind of ams,appeared as a luminous point downward was formeda a figure as a human ,I told my father to for ....but I dont stop ,put the car to one hundred twenty,and came out of there shouting .After we spent five minutes Estella del Marqués ,we went to Lomopardo where we stopped twenty min.cough ,and my father scared said enter by Jerez de la Frontera(Sherry city),in the area of Carthusian(La Cartuja),we entered sherry and everything was closed,and there was nobody in the street,my father´s clock marked the o´clock at night ,and that was not normal,When we arrived to La Granja(the farm building )there was a neighbor that we knew Maria del Carmén Bellido with whose brothers I was related,and I asked my father what was going on,and she told my fathter that it was four thirty in the morning ,It had been 6 hours since we sav the phosphorescence until we entered again in Jerez,When we had only perceived an hour,no more,if perhapsan hour and a half....