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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cost tropical. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cost tropical. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 8 de junio de 2021

nuevas anomalías en negativo de 35 mm

Fotos con anomalías en órgiva,alpujarra de granada,como se puede ver salen manchas,o rallones,no se si puede ser por un mal proceso de exposición o un mal revelado,la revele yo mismo en un tanque de revelado PATERSON,3 min,15 agitación

He escaneado la imagen que tome  en Motril de las compañeras del S.A.T.(Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores),liderados por Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo,y este es el resultado,sobre las dos compañeras de dicho sindicato,una especie de neblina oscura ,que se puede apreciar a vista normal en el negativo, desconozco si tiene posibilidad de tener relación con el fenómeno OVNI.....o un fallo del negativo ,o un mal revelado,el resto del negativo esta bien expuesto ,y no se aprecia nada raro....


martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

anomalía en negativo ORWO 35 mm,100 ASA,esta vez en Motril,Granada,Andalucia

De nuevo salen cosas raras,en los negativos ,esta vez en la manifestación del primero de mayo de 2021,en Motril,Costa Tropical ,Granada,Andalucia,se puede ver en la foto,una formación como de un gas ,que esta suspendida sobre los compañeros,el negativo es ORWO 35 mm,100 ASA,revelado por mi a temperatura 28 Grados Cent.durante 3 min.30 se si es un defecto del revelado ,o de la toma fotográfica en ese momento,cada uno que piense lo que quiera


domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018

Artistic Recreation with my encounter with Essaeiej,No Terrestial Human women,Nordic From the star cluster Pleaiedes,on the beach  del Peñon,of  the Town Salobreña,of the cost tropical,of the Andalusien province of Granada,in the south of Spain,

Peñon Beach of Salobreña,where was the meeting...

I have to tell a meeting to happening to me,on may 27 of 2015,with suposedly a nordic being women of the Pleaideies ,or at least is whats they are telling me by automatic writing with my contact with Nordics  of Pleaideis,the fact is as follow it was,the morning of May 27,of 2015 ,and after breakfast I went out in street in the town,Armilla,I took I walk throught the as usual,because I had nothing to do, I saw the day was good,and something ward to be may,if I thought I´d go to Salobreña Beach,where I usually go to in the summer,I put on my swinsuit,in my apartament and I went to bus station,after an hour I was in Salobreña coast ,and I went to the beach of El Peñon,then I saw a strange women who was watching me,on the beach there were only three young people,two boys and a girl ,who were from the town,the beach was deserted,and bar El Peñon was closed,so I saw the women noticed in me,for a moment  I look than I could see that she was strange woman,first wearing a jacket,red burgundy,like the rest of the clothtes,thigs thigs,lest and breadsplate,also adjusted to body,I was hanging a velvet bag,despiste the head I was doing,about 20 degrees,and looked at the time and it was 13 o´clock in the afternoon,shortly after I fixed myself in it,I saw that It was a no normal woman
was thin,six feet five,very white milky skin,small hands,and long thin fingers,the face was wide,and had oblique,slanted eyes,and the end of the face,nose and gnation came of the under the eyes,which were cobalt blue,turned to blue prussian,also had a pronunced chin a oval,despite it was a beautiful women very much,and after an minute of seeing her,I decide to follow my path,the leave being and when the next minute I turnaurond in cass it was still there,it was gone,It seemed like a person,somewhat a strange,then I contacted this being trhouth automatic writing ,and they told me that it was one of his women,a Nordic Women of Pleaidies,and that from now on she would me  in charging in contacting her,that she called Essaeiej,and came from other planer similar to ours,in the cluster of The Pleaides,well I dont what to believe,but I just wanted to tell the expierence here,you can see the image to download here,